Postdoctoral fellows

Competitive applicants are expected to have a strong background in bioengineering or quantitative molecular biology (or a related discipline) with an eagerness to develop and apply new high-throughput experimental approaches.  Interested applicants should send their CV and list of references to

Graduate students

We accept graduate student applications through the Department of Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. program and the Medical Scientist Training Program. We look for undergraduate applicants with previous wet-lab experience in molecular-cellular biologygenomics-proteomics, or cell-tissue engineering.  Students with background in bioinformatics, computational biology, or mathematics are welcome to apply, but be aware that we do not offer thesis projects that are purely theoretical.  We try to enroll one graduate student per year.

Undergraduate students

We consider undergraduates from all departments at UVA but look seriously at first- or second-semester second-year students.  Students who inquire should be willing in principle to commit to staying with our lab during the academic year until their graduation.  Undergraduates will typically volunteer their first year, work for credit their second year, and pursue a senior-design project in their third year.  Expected time commitments are 10-15 hours per week, preferably in blocks of 3-5 hours at a time.  We try to welcome one new undergraduate student to the lab per year, depending on the availability of graduate and postdoctoral mentors.

Research staff

We are not currently looking for research staff at this time.