A systems model of signaling identifies a molecular basis set for cytokine-induced apoptosis
Janes KA*, Albeck JG*, Gaudet S, Sorger PK, Lauffenburger DA, Yaffe MB. (2005) A systems model of signaling identifies a molecular basis set for cytokine-induced apoptosis. Science, 310, 1646-53.
- Cited among top 10 breakthroughs of the year: (2005) Science, 310, 1880-5.
- Editor’s Choice: (2005) Predicting responses on the death pathway. Sci STKE, tw448.
- Cited as landmark systems biology paper: Arkin AP, Schaffer DV. (2011) Network News: Innovations in 21st Century Systems Biology. Cell, 144, 844-9.